Seattle Birth Photographer // The Birth of Soleil

February 10, 2017

Birth is unpredictable. What was envisioned to be a home birth in Ballard ended up being an induction at Northwest Hospital in Seattle. Soleil’s mama, Katie, tells it best:

“Every birth has its story. For us, our daughter’s birth journey felt a little bit like having a ticket for Jamaica but getting on the wrong boat and ending up in Iceland. We spent months planning a peaceful home birth but ended up needing all the tricks the medical establishment had to offer to bring our daughter to us. In the trying process, we discovered more humility and gratitude than we could have imagined. Perhaps It was our first lesson of parenthood: letting go. And at the end of the day, we got the greatest gift out of it. A healthy, beautiful miracle of life.”

It was such a joy to document the story of Katie bringing Soleil into the world with the incredible support of her husband, doula, midwife, nurses, and doctors. Enjoy Soleil’s birth story!

  1. Harmony says:

    Oh look at the eyebrows on that sweet babe!! I loved mama laughing and smiling.

  2. Kim says:

    So much joy in these photos!! Love the dancing! Congratulations to the family!!! Beautiful story in photos.

  3. Oh my word, such emotions in these images. You captured it so well, they look like such a fun couple. Just stunning work and I adore Mommas words about their first lesson in parenting.

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