Seattle Home Birth Photography // The Birth of Skylar

March 22, 2017

It’s always such a joy and honor to shoot for other photographers. Alec is an amazing lifestyle photographer here in Seattle, and I was thrilled to join her and her family at their home for the powerful birth of her second baby girl, Skylar. Big thank you to the the birth team: the wonderful midwives at Seattle Home Maternity and incredible doula Amity Kramer.

  1. Natalia says:

    Beautiful birth story! I love that first shot

  2. Melissa P. says:

    OMG that adorable little face!! What a gorgeous home birth and beautiful moments captured!

  3. Norma Hess says:

    Those cheeks! 😍😍😍

  4. Cat says:

    Beautiful family and beautiful birth. Such a cute baby! Congrats family

  5. lindsay says:

    Wow so amazing! So many great shots. What an adorable little chunk <3

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